haikoan published in Heliosparrow



where is the sky that fell into my birth


where is the window

where yesterday's rain is falling


how many branches and how many voices

does yellow shed in november




how can fallen rain strike back at lightning


how much earth must i lose

to wear the moon's white shoe


upon the death of the vine

shall my veins grow new wine




why is it yesterday's love 

to mourn your seeds and small breasts


do you close your eyes

but never in my mind


how do i explain my death

without touching your body



whose hymns will i learn by teaching the flower

why blood and moonlight weep


is it better to awaken december's wounds

or bring dead wings a dream


by rhythm of sorrow or rhythm of snow

has the world known your soul





how is dust inside a child like sky among sky


how does one gather seeds

that have drifted into another day


how pure must the wounding be

to stop my knife from bleeding





is awakened the word 

for a seed that dies, then is sown


when i believe in what wind listens for

why does my nest unravel


can anyone else open a poem

to the fate of its reader





how many years have fallen

along the path between two autumns


is the leaf falling through my shadow

also my shadow


and when my rain bleeds to death

whose poppies are fed


when will the shadows in your ocean

no longer wish to become men

and the silence of my trees

be fouled with the weight of wings

after life is shed, shall i swear the wind

will never lose sight of our eyes


what do we know about the journey

        when canyon smells of moon and mind

how does one search through darkness

        for a midnight from the past

if the death i believe in also dies

        where do black moths fly


why is sunlight within the sparrow

        older than the sun

will the poem i am buried in

        weave my final words

who must fall asleep forever

        before the rhythm of breath returns


how many quests for a second rose

        stumble upon the dead

who shaped the songs in your cradle

        to the slaughter of my trees

are you prepared to find your permanent home

        within a heart that slowly dies

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